Pancreatic Cancer Screenings2024-06-14T01:55:38-04:00

Pancreatic Cancer Screenings

The Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState offers pancreatic cancer screening for individuals whose family history puts them at a higher risk of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer screening holds great promise in diagnosing pancreatic cancer earlier, at a stage when the cancer is more treatable.

Am I a candidate for pancreatic cancer screening?

You may be eligible for pancreatic cancer screening if you:

  • Have two or more first-degree relatives, such as a parent, sibling, or child, who had pancreatic cancer;
  • Have one first-degree relative who had pancreatic cancer and a known genetic mutation that puts you at higher risk for pancreatic cancer, such as the BRCA gene. Patients who have a first-degree relative but have not had genetic testing may be referred for genetic testing and counseling to determine if they would benefit from screening.

Scheduling a Pancreatic Cancer Screening

If you think you may be eligible for pancreatic cancer screening, contact us to schedule an appointment. Your physician will review your medical history and other factors to determine whether you qualify for pancreatic cancer screening.  If you are eligible for screening, a non-invasive imaging scan will be performed.

Insurance and Genetic Testing for Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Most health insurances providers cover genetic testing when ordered by your physician. However, differences in policies exist so please contact your insurance company before testing to ask about coverage.